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一栋 独立房屋 has 110,000 sft land in forest (2.5 英亩), 像一个森林花园, 6 bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, living room, dinning room and kitchen.

配King / Queen size 床,可满足个人,夫妻,家庭,或团组居住.

位于首都 Gatineau 高 尚 小区,环境十分的优美、安静。

配备高档傢俬, King size/Queen size 床具,
床头柜,及床上用品,床单,被子,枕头,毛巾等, 一应俱全。

配橱具,餐桌椅, 沙发,上网, BBQ,冰箱,微波炉,洗衣,烘干机,一应俱全。

后院有亭子, 亭子里有 台球桌。

位置: Aylmer STO General BUS Station 公交总站对面,

离国会山 9 km , 唐人街 10 KM, Ottawa University 11 KM。

出门公车总站,有多路车至国会山,Redial Center.

Lots of parking and free in parking for the guests,

1. 短租:
King size 床 房间: $85/晚
Queen size 床房间:$75/晚
(二 晚起)。

2.长租 ( 6 months or longer) :

$650 / month for a room in basement(1 Queen size bed) if 1 person, $750/m if 2 persons ;
$750/month for a large room in basement for 1 Queen size bed, $950/MONTH FOR 2 Queen beds;

$650/month for a room on main floor (1 Queen size bed) if 1 person, $750/m if 2 persons;
$750 / month for a bedroom (King size bed) on main floor if 1 person, $850/m if 2 persons;

$750 / month for a room (1 Queen size bed ) on 2nd if 1 person, $850/m if 2 persons
$800/MONTH for MASTER bedroom on 2nd floor if 1 person, $900/m if 2 persons..

可发 email:

或 Text 至
819-598 3063

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