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I have had successful operations in three aspects, that is #brand influence improvement#, #user growth and retention#, and #product sales promotion#. I was previously more active on four Chinese platforms - Weibo, WeChat, Zhihu, and TouTiao. Over the past year, I geared towards mainly overseas platforms such as Instagram and YouTube.我在提高品牌影响力、粉丝增长、产品销量三方面都有较为丰富的经验。操盘过的平台有微博(有流量资源)、微信、知乎、头条、Instagram(有流量资源)、Youtube。I helped a B2B travel company grow the viewer base for its online live-streaming from 1,000 to 520,000 within three months. I helped a B2C education company expand its sales from 0 to RMB1 million within one year. I also helped a B2G government department achieve brand exposure from 0 to 100 million and monthly net growth of followers from 0 to 10,000 + within half a year.· 【在北京】我曾经帮助B2B类旅游公司在三个月内,实现在线直播观看人数从1千到52万人的跨越【我负责节点排期+选题策划+海报拼接/非PS:http://t.cn/A6GAwl1E 】· 【在加拿大】我曾经帮助B2C类教育公司,在一年内,实现销售额从0到100万的跨越【我担任前端引流的营销内容产出+主播/团队其他成员担当咨询客服:http://t.cn/A6cn0QI3 】目前还在帮助一家大温本地的酒吧KTV做线上推广,目前访客量已翻倍。· 【在新加坡】我还曾经帮助B2G类政府部门在半年内,实现品牌曝光量从0到1亿、月均粉丝净增长量从0到1万+的跨越【我负责优化稿件+活动策划:http://t.cn/A6cgSCrh 】I live in Burnaby, BC, Canada right now. With 6 years of experience in new media operations, I am so confident that my past experience can contribute to your course.我目前在本拿比铁道镇居住,相信我的经验和资源,一定对您的事业有所益助。

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