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过去六年,我一直从事市场营销工作,客户覆盖德国、新加坡、加拿大、中国大陆。领域涉及教育、旅游、建商等。I've been doing marketing jobs in Germany, Singapore, Canada and China over the past 6 years 【in Education and Travel industry】, and now live in Metrotown, working for a local 【Developer】.我在SEO、社交媒体短视频策划/拍摄/引流涨粉、文案写作方面有所专长。也能承担一定的海报设计、直播、产品定价促销策略和企业经营战略方面的工作。I am experienced with SEO, social media content creating, and copywriting. I know about poster collage, live-streaming sales, product pricing, and promotional strategy development as well, but not as much as about the first three areas.我最近:帮助一家本地酒吧,实现了1300%的致电订座增长。帮助本地一家家居服务企业,在未购买竞价的情况下,在Google Map、微信、小红书三个平台,提升排名到TOP 1的水准。协助本地暂未取得盈利的安防设备及服务企业,获得了500万加币的融资意向。I recently Helped a local 【Karaoke & Pub】 increase: 1300% of calls, 106% of visits, 1400% of website views and 2300% in search results.And I also helped a local【Home Service Company】to rank top 10 with no budget on Youtube, Facebook and Wechat.I also recently assisted a local 【Security Equipment and Service Company】 that has not yet made a profit, and obtained a financing intention of 5 million Canadian dollars.我本人也是一个业余网红,在Youtube有1万订阅者,之前大统华超市在我的Instagram发布的reel短片24小时内也有2万播放+600位新顾客互动。I, as an social media influencer myself, am so confident that my past experience can contribute to your course.相信我的经验、和资源,可以对贵司的事业,有所帮助。

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