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敝公司为理财行业的中流砥柱, 拥有造就成功投资及保险顾问最佳的平台。

* 48堂年度培训
* $1,000加盟及考牌奖金
* $5,000初创赞助
* 丰厚佣金

* 渴望创业,做自己的老板
* 渴望钻研理财策划、帮助身边的人、“合作、分享、共赢”
* 渴望发展个人事业、拓展人脉、发掘客户最大潜力
* 渴望挑战高收入

* 敝公司代理加拿大各金融机构的基金和保险产品
* 提供行内罕见的培训,不止产品知识,还有市场推广、营销策略、销售技巧至团队建设,全方位为您讲解。
* 具竞争力的佣金奖金
* 帮助您建立经常性收入来源
* 高净值客户策略
* 和谐融洽的工作环境

* 远见 - 帮客人达成其长远理财目标,实现梦想,期望社会各界得到正面影响
* 任务 - 助顾问在加国创造一番事业,家庭和睦, 积极正面,成为高收入一族

敝公司多年来培养出众多知名的顾问精英(百万圆桌会员)。 因业务及市场发展迅速,现诚聘投资和保险顾问。如果您渴望拥有自己的事业,梦想成真,敝司欢迎您!

请将简历发送至career@grandtag.ca或致电 (604) 655-2082 (Shirley)

Financial Advisor Trainee, don’t miss out. $6,000 bonus + rich commission

Job Locations: Richmond or Burnaby

WHAT advisor trainee can receive:
* 48 free annual training sessions
* $1,000 licensing bonus
* $5,000 kick-start sponsorship
* Lucrative commissions

WHO we are looking for:
* Desire to develop your career and be your own boss
* Desire to help people and yourself to understand true financial planning
* Desire to work flexible hours and a “work-life balance”
* Desire to earn high income

WHAT we offer:
* Our company carries investment and insurance products from various large financial institutions to provide comprehensive financial planning to clients.
* We are one of the very few who provide training in concept, marketing, prospecting, product, attitude, licensing, sales and team building
* We sponsor your licensing

Due to the rapid development of business, we are now recruiting Financial Advisors. Successful candidates will receive relevant training in marketing and financial skills at no cost.

Corporate Culture:
* Vision - Help clients achieve lifetime financial goals and personal dreams
* Mission - Help advisors develop own business, better family communications and become high income professionals

Please email your resume to career@grandtag.ca or contact (604) 961-8280 (Shirley)

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